Dr. Rani’s Approach

The established pediatric medical community focuses on acute medical treatment of chronic illnesses. But these treatments are truly only addressing symptoms, not the root cause.

Over 40% of American children are suffering from at least one chronic illness.

Suicide has risen to the 8th leading cause of death among children ages 5 to 11.

19.3% of American children are now classified as obese.

More than 20% of American children ages 5-12 have experienced worsening mental or emotional health after COVID-19 lockdowns.

Treating illness isn’t the same as true holistic health. Parents know that their children aren’t just a collection of symptoms and illnesses. Children need doctors that care for and support their whole self.

Dr. Rani’s Approach


By integrating current mainstream medical treatments with scientific proven holistic treatment modalities, Dr. Rani takes the best of eastern and western medicine to provide “whole child” wellness care.

Dr. Rani customizes therapeutic wellness plans for you child, either in the form of an self-guided treatment plan for home use or through a guided therapeutic course of sessions with the doctor. In her plans, Dr. Rani draws on a range of techniques that include:

  • Nutrition

  • Meditation

  • Yoga and movement exercises

  • Visualization

  • Emotional freedom technique ( tapping)

  • Acupressure

  • Essential oils

  • Self regulatory tools using body movements

  • Sleep wellness coaching

  • Traditional medicinal approaches, including:

    • Reviewing prior lab work

    • Ordering diagnostic labs

    • Non-pharmaceutical-first approach with the limited use of medicines, prescribed with care and restraint

Dr. Rani’s Specialties


In addition to general wellness recommendations for any child to help any child thrive, Dr. Rani specializes in holistic care of the following conditions:

  • ADHD

  • Behavioral issues

  • Pediatric anxiety

  • Pediatric depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Chronic illnesses and infections

  • Pediatric GERD or digestive issues

  • Premenstrual disorders

  • Sleep disturbances