“Whole Child” Wellness Services

Whole Child Wellness Plan: One-on-one consult and creation of personalized wellness plan for your child

Ideal for patients who are seeking parent-led, at-home treatment with a personalized plan.


For families who would like to take a more independent approach to their child’s wellness from their home, Dr. Rani offers virtual wellness consultations accompanied by the creation of a personalized "Whole Child Wellness Plan” for your child.

$500 for consult and plan creation

What this includes:

  • One-on-One Consult: A 60-minute virtual consult with Dr. Rani, where she dives deeply into your child’s needs, goals, and personality.

  • A “Whole Child” report and plan: Dr. Rani prepares a personalized “Whole Child” Wellness Plan to support your child’s specific. which offers therapeutic recommendations across 5 factors: nutrition, sleep, movement, emotional health, and mindfulness.

Doctor-Guided therapeutic treatment plan for your child with Dr. Rani

Ideal for patients who need hands-on, specialized care from Dr. Rani over the course of multiple sessions.


Therapeutic Plan Patients
(Average of 6 appointments per therapeutic course)

If your child is struggling with an acute challenge, Dr. Rani will work with you to craft a custom therapeutic intervention plan to help support your child’s needs, including:

  • ADHD

  • Behavioral issues

  • Pediatric anxiety

  • Pediatric depression

  • Eating disorders

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Chronic illnesses and infections

  • Pediatric GERD or digestive issues

  • Premenstrual disorders

  • Sleep disturbances

$250 for the intake consult

Virtual treatment or in-person treatment is available (for individuals in the greater Albany area, NY).

Depending on what is surfaced in the intake consult, Dr. Rani may bring in other specialists for consult to ensure the most well-rounded care plan.

Therapeutic plans created by Dr. Rani are designed to optimize for the long-term health and well-being of your child, and take into account your families’ beliefs and needs.

Follow-Up Appointment

For existing patients of Dr. Rani, please book your follow-up appointments through this link.